亚洲博彩平台排名(Quincy University)将在周六举行的荣誉早午餐上,将七名个人和两支球队列入体育名人堂, 3月26日, 2022, 早上九点半.m. 早午餐将在名人堂室举行,位于QU的健康和健身中心(20)th & 橡木).

2022 Individual Inductees are:

A 5’7” guard and two-sport athlete, Jennifer Niemira Lawlor ’95, came to Quincy from Cor Jesu Academy in St. 路易斯,莫. Lawlor played for three years on the Women’s Basketball team. Despite an injury, she finished her basketball career with 105 assists, 218 rebounds and 608 career points, 以场均19分的成绩跻身女子鹰队历史得分榜前20名.

Starting her softball career as a shortstop, she batted .397, 13 doubles and knocked in 49 runs her freshman year, 在1994年的球季中,她以连续九场安打的成绩继续保持着她的势头. Following a finger injury, Lawlor was moved to second base her junior year, 打破了全垒球单赛季安打和打点最多的记录.  Lawlor打破了Lady Hawk垒球职业生涯的打点记录,并在击球率上排名第四 .361, second in hits with 194, third in triples with 20, first in doubles with 35, first in RBIs with 141, and first in sacrifice flies with 12.

Jill Unnerstall McNeil ’03 came to QU from St. Francis Borgia High School in Washington, Mo.他是GLVC大会年度新生奖的有力竞争者. 她平均9分.9分5分.4 rebounds per game, a team-high 50 steals, 大二时7次获得两双,并且是GLVC大会第一个场均15次入选第一阵容.2分7分.2 rebounds per game her junior year. 作为大四学生, 她加入了1000分俱乐部,场均14分和8个篮板, 以10次两双的成绩结束了这个赛季,带领球队第一次参加NCAA D2锦标赛,并取得了25胜8负的战绩,但在四分之一决赛中输给了第一名. 5 Northern Kentucky. She was the Quincy Honda/QU Hawk player of the month, two–time GLVC Player of the Week, 2003 Mart Heinen Award Winner, and named to the All-GLVC Second Team. She was eighth in the conference in scoring and fourth in rebounding.

James Milkert ' 02从伊利诺伊州奥罗拉附近的约克社区高中来到瞿.  His freshman year, 米尔科特带领球队以第二名的成绩结束比赛,并在六人的QU邀请赛全明争赛中占有一席之地. 米尔科特在他的大二和大三赛季继续以助攻领跑球队, 尽管他患有一种危及生命的罕见的遗传性免疫缺陷疾病, CVID. 他推动球队在今日美国/AVCA教练前15名投票中获得全国认可, ending his junior season with 1510 assists. As senior team captain and setter, he guided the team to the MIVA Quarterfinals, losing to fourth seed Lewis University. 2000年,米尔科特入选克拉克大学男子排球挑战赛全队。, MIVA All-Conference Honorable Mention (2000), and 2002 MIVA All-Conference team, 场均助攻第五,场均发球得分第二. 在他四年的职业生涯中,他以超过3900次助攻的成绩成为了马刺队历史上助攻最多的球员.

凯尔·普赖尔(Kyle Pryor)在亚洲博彩平台排名(Quincy University)就读的两年里,他是棒球队的首发接球手和清理击球手. 普赖尔在约翰伍德社区学院获得全美荣誉后转到亚洲博彩平台排名. 普赖尔表现出了出色的防守,在他的篮球生涯中只犯了一次错误. 他和后卫达伦·佩顿组成了NCAA第二赛区最强大的接球二人组. 伊斯顿体育用品荣誉普赖尔在任何位置在所有DII棒球的顶级防守球员, 1999年获得NCAA第二赛区最佳防守球员奖. 1999年,他帮助老鹰队取得了学校历史上43胜13负的最佳战绩. 在杜克大学的两年职业生涯中,普赖尔投出了35%的跑垒者,并获得了 .平均打击率324、18支全垒打、110分打点、108分、23支安打、4支三垒安打和67次保送.

Ed Grelle,’76, a 6’8” center from Rosary High School in St. 路易, developed quickly at QU, playing varsity as a freshman, and established himself as a complete player. Often called “Easy Ed” because of his team-oriented demeanor, Grelle became a Christmas All-Tourney Member, All-District NAIA and team captain for two years. 格瑞尔的职业生涯罚球命中率为84%,在nba历史得分榜上排名第13位. Grelle holds a school record for most fouls per game (4.2) over a season and averaged 7.9 rebounds per game. 在对阵伊利诺伊卫斯理大学的比赛中,他在防守未来NBA球星杰克·西克马的几分钟内就犯满离场. 格雷尔在大四对阵密立肯大学的比赛中砍下了职业生涯最高的33分,并以1386分和721个篮板结束了他的篮球生涯.

2022 Team Inductees are:

Coached by Roger Francour, 1966年的保龄球队是该校历史上最亚洲博彩平台排名的球队, 在堪萨斯城举行的全美保龄球锦标赛中排名第二, Mo.1966年5月. 为期两天的比赛包括来自该国八个NAIA地区的前八支球队. Quincy moved from fourth to second place in the final game, finishing with a 10-5 record and 15,589针. 约翰Kolodziej, averaged a score of 191 during the event, making him the second-highest individual scorer in the tournament, 在老鹰队中踱步.

The 1999 baseball team, coached by Pat Atwell, holds the university record with 43 wins and a national ranking of #3. 球队在那个赛季取得了18周的连胜,并以22胜3负的战绩赢得了大湖区常规赛冠军,其中包括联赛开局17胜0负. The 1999 team won 39 of their first 43 games. The 1999 team includes professional baseball players, Quincy University Hall of Famers, 所有的美国人, All-Region and All-Conference players.

2022 Meritorious Inductees are:

Harold and Gerald Mast have mastered the art of volunteering. 因为他们觉得这是50多年来一直在做的正确的事情, 这对双胞胎兄弟把他们的时间和才华奉献给了玛特海宁俱乐部, 什么十大正规博彩网站排名, and Quincy Notre Dame High School. 两人还获得了昆西交易所俱乐部的金事迹奖——杰拉尔德·“杰里”于2008年获得,哈罗德于2020年获得. Together they have 107 years of service, making Quincy a safe, comfortable and enjoyable place to live and enjoy local sports. 风雨无阻, their unselfish giving, from taking event tickets to parking cars to selling concessions, has kept local sporting events a great tradition in Quincy. 另外, 杰拉尔德志愿参加美国红十字会适应性游泳项目,并自1968年以来一直与当地童子军组织合作.

Tickets are available at $25 per person, and reservations are required. Children 10 and under are $10. 欲了解更多信息,请致电亚洲博彩平台排名校友服务部217-228-5226或 注册 在网上 www.昆西.edu/alumni/events.

Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, 亚洲博彩平台排名是一所小型的天主教大学,以理科为主, liberal arts and the professions. Quincy University offers undergraduate, 结合实践经验和方济会价值观的研究生和成人教育课程. 教师和顾问与学生一起设计定制的亚洲博彩平台排名计划,帮助他们按时毕业, find their passion and prepare them for life. QU is a member of NCAA Division II for intercollegiate athletics. For more information, please visit www.昆西.edu或致电(217)228-5275或communityrelations@昆西与社区关系办公室联系.edu. Quincy University. Success by Design.